Hey Beautiful Naturals & Naturals-To Be,
Natural hair is beautiful, challenging, and time consuming but having a natural hair care specialist on your team to guide you towards the right products, and your patience as you work towards your healthy natural hair goals is worth it all. If you are thinking about going natural:
Do your research on natural hair care, learn the products and terms.
Find a natural hair care specialist to journey with you.
Love and accept your own natural texture.
10 Things All Naturals Must Do:
Pre-poo and detangle your hair before shampooing. (Pre-poo softens hair, causing slip so you can gently finger detangle. Products for pre-poo should be a creamy conditioner or water. They make shampooing easy and less time consuming.
Co-wash with a creamy conditioner in between washing. This is also great for women who work out!
Trim hair quarterly.
Steam & moisture hair weekly.
If you decide to use heat like flat irons and blow dryers it should be kept to a minimum. Never flat iron hair on 450 degrees of heat.
Refrain from tight, pulling hair styles as they can cause hair loss.
Choose high quality products!
Keep styling to a minimum. Protective styles works best. (flexi rod sets, updos, two-strand twists, flat twists, bantu knots, braids, weaves, etc). Just don't over do it with tension!
Know that everything does not work for everyone.
Stay calm and TRUST THE PROCESS!